Wednesday, April 25, 2012


There’s a million in one chance that the Amy this apology is directed to will actually come to this site and read this, but just in case she does come to this site, this apology is for her. 
I am deeply sorry for the miscommunication between the workers at Petsmart on Sunday, and that Joni was adopted before you arrived to adopt her.  Had I been there, I would have explained to the lady looking at Joni that you were coming in that day to adopt her, but since I was not there, Joni was adopted shortly before you arrived.  I am deeply sorry for that turn of events, and would like to make it up to you if you will let us.

If you’re the Amy mentioned above and you’re reading this, please contact me so I can apologize to you personally.  And if there is a way we can make right the wrong that took place last Saturday,  I wish that you would give us that opportunity. 


Mrs. Joe Jackson

1 comment:

  1. Joe, I am sure Amy is upset but your effort to reach her & apologize is amazing! Thank you for all your work! Keep it up!
